Fund Administration

20% Growth Seen In Hedge Fund Assets In 2002

For the second consecutive year, leading hedge fund advisory firm Parker Global Strategies is forecasting 20% plus growth in global allocations to hedge funds in 2002, with arbitrage strategies expected to net the biggest inflows of assets. "Hedge funds will

BNY Retains Faith in Outsourcing Boom

Nowhere is the belief that tougher market conditions will force fund managers hooked on ad valorem revenues to pay closer attention to costs held more strongly than at fund administrators. Bank of New York is so keen on the idea

Zurstrassen Parts Company with Credit Agricole Indosuez

Patrick Zurstrassen, managing director and president of the management committee at Credit Agricole Indosuez Luxembourg, will leave the bank shortly. It seems that Zurstrassen one of the biggest names in European fund administration, and the man who did more than

FETA Confirms UK Transfer Agency Ambitions

John Pauly, managing director of Luxembourg based transfer agent First European Transfer Agent (FETA), has confirmed that the company has ambitious expansion plans in the United Kingdom. While visiting London for a conference, Pauly confirmed that FETA expects to have

Hucker Strengthens Liberty Ermitage Executive Team

The Liberty Ermitage Group has appointed Mark Hucker as the Group Executive Director Infrastructure responsible for all aspects of operations, finance and compliance, reporting to Ron Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer. He joins from Perpetual where he was Finance Director and

Fund Managers’ Profit Margins Fall Less Than Expected

PricewaterhouseCoopers has undertaken an interim update of its 2001 UK investment management survey to assess the industry's response to increased competition and the aftermath of 11 September. 21 firms with over 1000 billion under management participated in the interim update.